2 Young People using their mobile devices completing a Drugs & Alochol survey.

Here’s the Crack with Drugs & Alcohol…

Ok, Shankill…

Over the past few months Young People have taken time to share with us their opinions, understanding and experience of Drugs & Alcohol in the Greater Shankill Area.

A teal colours information icon.

Our consultation was completed by 250 Young People aged between 11 - 21, some of which took part in discussion workshops.

A group of diverse cartoon young people using their mobile photos.

Here are just some of the things we’ve discovered 👇🏼

A 90% Statistic Graphic


of Young People in this area say it’s Easy to access Drugs/Alcohol.

We’re asking if you are Surprised to hear this?

A 60 Percent Statistic Graphic


of Young People in this area say they would turn to a Parent for help with Drugs or Alcohol.

We’re asking if Parents/Guardians are Prepared for that?

A 58% Statistic Graphic


of Young People in this area say they think Nitrious Oxide (Balloons) are the most Dangerous Drugs.

We’re asking if you Agree with this?

Greater Shankill Youth Connects Brand Icon

According to Young People

A collection of drugs and alcohol.
A group of cartoon young people drinking

29% have been pressured to drink Alcohol or take Drugs.

66% of those Young People pressured say it comes from friends.

An image of Alcohol and Drugs
Cartoon young people linking

In the past 3 months, 71% had drank Alcohol and only 17% had used Drugs.

A Support Icon

If you need help and support now…

It can be an overwhelming topic to navigate, but there is lots of great support available.

Talk to Frank Logo
Mind Charity Logo
Lifeline Helpline Charity Logo

*Greater Shankill Youth Connects is not responsible for content on external sites.

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Greater Shankill Partnership Logo
Northern Ireland Executive Logo
Communities In Transition Logo